
You're probably sitting here, thumb scrolling away, wondering how you even got to this page. Perhaps you've heard about this "new age trend" called breathwork. Or maybe you've already experienced a session thinking:

"That felt uncomfortable."

"That was interesting."

"WTF is happening?!"

​That was me three years ago. As I pressed on and re-learned to breathe, I have experienced more transformation and more healing than I ever thought possible. 

​I gained back the years that I had spent emotional eating. I gained back my worthiness. My sense of choice. My ability to truly take care for others by filling my cup first. 

​Truth be told, I am not the best meditator; I don't have time or patience to spend sitting down thinking my way through my problems. That's why breathwork was such an easy choice for me. 

​If you've made it this far thinking, "what kind of witchy, hippy dippy, good juju sh*t is she on?" - I get it, I've been there. *answer: my own supply

Then I experienced it for myself. My own breath, my own source. Something so easily accessible, so simple and potent.

 To find my confidence, my vitality and the strength to keep pressing on another day. For my family, my patients, for me. That is the gift I would love to give to you. 

 Breathwork FAQs

  • Breathwork uses continuous conscious breathing patterns to inspire immediate, deep self-healing, meditative relaxation and reawakening.

    We can use our breathing to bypass the busyness of our mind and come back to our hearts and systems to transform our emotional wellness, access our intuition and show up as the best version of ourselves.

  • Breathing for relaxation are techniques that can be used to integrate into your day to regulate your nervous system.

    Breathing for transformation allows us to drop deeper into our body and access stuck emotionality in our systems. We can achieve better wellness and resiliency in this way.

    There are different patterns and sequences for each. 

    • Immediate stress & anxiety relief.

    • Connect & shift your response to Emotion.

    • Releases pain.

    • Release old traumas.

    • More energy & mental clarity.

    • Deepen your relationship to yourself or other.

    • Reduce toxins & refresh your organ.

    • More presence in mind and body.

    • Better respiratory capacity and resilience.

    • Improves digestion.

    • Lowers blood pressure.

    • Corrects posture.


  • With the everyday pressures and stressors of life, our world is plagued with a constant state of busyness and overwhelm. We continue to press on in fear and dissolution. If you or someone you know experiences overwhelm, stress, anxiety, grief or worry (*answer: everyone) then breathwork is for you.  ​

    While everyone breathes and there are many ways one can harness the power of their own breath, some methods are less suitable to some. Clients with the following conditions do not receive an automatic omission from breathwork, but it should certainly be a discussion between you, your facilitator and at times, your healthcare provider. 

    Talk to your Facilitator & Physician about:

    • Angina

    • Cardiovascular disease

    • Heart attack

    • High blood pressure

    • Glaucoma

    • Retinal detachment

    • Osteoporosis

    • Seizure disorders

    • Recent injury or surgery

    • History of panic attacks, psychosis, or visual disturbances

    • Severe mental illness

    • Family history of aneurysms

    • Frequent dizziness or vertigo

    • Pregnancy

    • Your facilitator will guide you through the intention of the practice and to expect the unexpected. She will guide you lovingly and softly through the breath patterns as your body is comfortable. ​

    • Side effects during a session may include:

      • Lightheadedness​

      • Dizziness

      • Tetany - cramping or stiffness in the extremities

      • Deep emotionality

    • Please note that these experiences may be different in every session for every person. What is important to note is the emphasis on your safety and sovereignty to move your body and breath freely at your own pace. 

  • We try not to set too many expectations on ourselves during the practice, but many feel deeply relaxed and soft after a breathwork session. Think of the feeling you get after a really great yoga session or a deeply soothing hot tub soak. ​

    Some people experience heavy emotions and need some time to themselves to reflect, be still and self care. 

    In all instances, it is important to have time to yourself to hydrate, do things that make you feel good and connect.